April 10, 2024

By: Lennon Lee, Investor Relations Associate

REITs and Syndications

Understanding the Difference Between REITs and Syndications 

Investing in real estate offers many avenues for both seasoned investors and novices, with Real Estate Syndications and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) standing out as two prominent options. Understanding the nuances, advantages, and drawbacks of each is essential for making informed investment decisions. Let us delve into the disparities between REITs and syndications, exploring their pros and cons objectively.

Real Estate Syndications: Harnessing the Power of Direct Ownership

Real Estate Syndications involve pooling funds from multiple investors to acquire and manage real estate properties. Additionally, investors can leverage the expertise of experienced sponsors or operators in the syndication process. Here are the key pros and cons associated with this investment avenue:

1. Direct Ownership: Investors in syndications enjoy direct ownership of the underlying properties, enabling them to benefit from potential appreciation and cash flow.
2. Higher Returns: Syndications often offer the potential for higher returns compared to REITs, particularly in value-add or opportunistic real estate strategies.
3. Tax Benefits: Syndication investors may benefit from tax advantages such as depreciation deductions, and potential capital gains advantages.
4. Alignment of Interests: Syndication sponsors typically co-invest alongside other investors, fostering alignment of interests and potentially mitigating conflicts of interest.

1. Higher Minimum Investments: Real Estate Syndications typically require higher minimum investments compared to REITs, making them less accessible to some investors.
2. Illiquidity: Syndications are illiquid investments, with limited opportunities for early exit or liquidity compared to publicly traded REITs.
3. Accessibility: Syndications may not always be available or accessible to everyday investors due to their exclusive nature and higher minimum investment requirements.


REITs: Embracing Liquidity and Diversification

REITs are publicly traded companies that own, operate, or finance income-producing real estate across various sectors. Let us examine the pros and cons associated with investing in REITs:

1. Liquidity: REIT shares can be bought and sold on stock exchanges, offering investors liquidity and flexibility to adjust their investment positions.
2. Diversification: REITs typically provide investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of properties across different sectors, geographies, and property types.
3. Public Accessibility: REITs are accessible to a broad spectrum of investors, allowing for easy entry and exit from the investment.

1. Lower Potential Returns: REITs may offer lower potential returns compared to direct real estate investments or syndications, particularly in certain market environments.
2. Lack of Control: Investors in REITs have limited control over the underlying properties and investment decisions, relying on the expertise of management teams.
3. No Tax Efficiencies: Unlike syndications, REITs do not offer the same level of tax efficiency or benefits like pass-through depreciation, potentially reducing overall investment returns.

Ultimately, investors should carefully evaluate their financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon when choosing between these options, ensuring alignment with their overall investment strategy. 


What more to consider when investing in REITs or Syndications in 2024 

By investing in a syndication, investors have a more hands-on approach in the selection of the sponsor and management team. This level of control allows for greater customization and alignment with specific investment goals and preferences. 

It is important to note that with syndication, you have the advantage of investing directly in the underlying real estate. This may provide tax benefits, including depreciation. In syndication deals, investors may be able to offset their income with depreciation expenses, depending on their particular circumstances.  

Furthermore, real estate syndications offer the potential for higher returns as syndicators normally focus on acquiring properties with substantial growth prospects. The combination of potential tax benefits, cash flow, and the ability to tap into the expertise of seasoned sponsors makes syndication an attractive option for those seeking optimal returns on their investments. 


Ashcroft Capital: Your Trusted Partner in Syndication 

When considering real estate syndication, it is crucial to partner with a reputable firm with a proven track record of success. Ashcroft Capital is a leading real estate investment firm specializing in multifamily properties. With an experienced team, a thorough due diligence process, and a commitment to transparency, Ashcroft Capital offers investors the opportunity to access high-quality syndication deals. 

Our investments aim to deliver substantial returns, considering both consistent cash flow and profits generated from the eventual sale of the asset. On average, our syndication deals have yielded annual returns exceeding 25 percent. 

As you navigate the investing landscape in 2024, consider the benefits of real estate syndication over REITs. Syndication provides greater transparency, customization, and potential for higher returns—partner with a trusted firm, like Ashcroft Capital, to explore the exciting opportunities syndication offers. Remember, thoughtful and well-informed decisions are the key to success in the ever-changing financial market. 

If you would like to learn more about REITs and Syndications or are interested in Ashcroft Capital’s current offerings, schedule a call with Investor Relations today.
